Tuesday, May 27, 2008

like whoa dude i'm freakin out

O.K. so tomorrow me and C. are having a movie marathon at her house. Oh, and I got like the best news of my life today! Landon is not moving anymore! I know I'm so happy! I have been downloading ring tones on myxertones for the last half hour. And before that I burned a c.d.
Right now I'm checking out Stephenie Meyers website. I can't wait until "Breaking Dawn" comes out! On May 31st there will be a special version of "Eclipse" being sold. It's gonna have the first chapter of "Breaking Dawn" in it! They are not going to put the first chapter online unfortunately. And if they do It will be a few days before the book is sold.
I'm feeling a lot better than I did yesterday. I get colds all the time so it's really no big deal. I talked to Landon a lot this afternoon and he was so funny. His grandma was at work (staying with his grandma for a few weeks) so he went up to the attic. Then he went outside and broke the garage door. We talked for a while about basically nothing.


Anonymous said...

I hope you and Landon get together! I'm happy he ain't movin'.

Anonymous said...


You don't know but I saw your blog and you sound kinda cool. I took that quiz and I am Midnight too. he he.
