Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chuch summer Bible school!

So, I'm a helper at summer Bible school at my Church. I help the preacher's wife with preschool crafts. We only have one class all day so it gets pretty boring with nothing to do. I also helped with grades 5-6 and k-1 today. I liked k-1 better. I was NOT that much of a snobby little brat when I was in 6th grade (in fact I was really nice)! those little girls were brats! That's why I normally help in preschool! There was this one little boy who looked like Scarlett Johansson in little boy form. Weird. There is a picture of her at the top of this blog entry if you do not know what she looks like.


Anonymous said...

WOW! Thats one girly looking boy!